Unfixed episodes

People love fixer-upper stories, miracle cures and answers but many wake up each day without any of these. Our world needs more models for how to live a meaningful, unfixed life—a life liberated from fixed notions of how we must feel in order to live fully. Unfixed humans may be in pain but they are learning to integrate it into a larger definition of themselves. The Unfixed audio-visual library demonstrates that living well is not about eradicating our wounds and weaknesses but understanding how they complete our identities and equip us to help others. Current productions (in various stages of completion) include the Unfixed Mind mini-series, Unfixed docu-series, Unsung, Unbound, Unfixed Focus, Life Rebalanced Chronicles, MS Confidential, Long Haul Voices, the Unfixed podcast, ICU podcast, and a feature documentary film Why We Matter.