Praise for Unfixed...

I won't be able to sleep tonight. Just cry. This is way more than a page turner. It's a bloody masterpiece. The writing is exquisite. It takes you on a journey you didn’t know you needed - Kim Vanbruggen, former journalist and CEO.

Without a doubt, it is the bravest piece of writing that I have ever read, full of soul-bearing passages. So much of this story resonated with me and I feel enriched by seeing so many things through Kimberly’s eyes and heart. - Greg Temple, CEO

Kimberly’s work is smart, brave and looks hard at difficulties without ever oversimplifying, whining or wallowing in 'poor me.' She’s generous to a fault in lifting up the stories of others rather than trying the grease them up so they'll squeeze into some feel-good self help hell-scape. She lets you look difficult things in the eye and learn to breathe through the paralysis with her. - David. E. Perry, writer, photographer

I cannot recommend this serialized memoir enough. Here’s why. Guess who else pull up seats at this tea party? Honesty. Deep reflection. Mercy. Stunning prose. Kimberly’s story is gripping in itself. But/And so is the writing. I particularly love a writer whose work calls me to an empty page. I don’t quite know how to put it in words, other than it’s like a conversation I want to be part of through my own writing. - Holly Starley, freelancer, editor

Kimberly’s recounting of her childhood is so alive and raw. She writes about her parents’ crazy choices with the open, judgment-free perception of a child while infusing it with the wisdom and facile language of a woman who’s lived a full life. This memoir is personal and intimate, but it also provides a window into American life in the 1970s when so much was being questioned about marriage and family and sexuality. - Ben Wakeman, author, producer, musician

This story has all the makings of a limited series. It has perfect A and B storylines, two mysteries running in parallel timelines, two layered characters with two hearts both in deep conflict with themselves, both fueling the engines for the overall story—yearning curiosity versus fear/delight at what one discovers about one's parentage. It's so Noah Hawley meets folk mystery. - Alisa Kennedy Jones, TV writer/author

Chilling. Horror. Kimberly’s words are so powerful, I felt as if I were going through the experience with her. - Sara Davidson, NYT best-selling author

This is beyond memoir for me. Kimberly’s writing skill takes it to another level. I love these characters so much, they live inside of me somewhere, she draws them so beautifully that we can’t help but be moved. - Jan Cornall, writer, performer, teacher

It is so rare when a writer eradicates language after reading their work and replaces that absence with pure feeling. That silence is where the healing and magic thrive. Such achingly beautiful words on loss. - Jenovia Webb, author, trauma advocate and speaker

Tremendous writing. The unease is inescapable. - Kenny Farquharson - senior columnist with The Times, Edinburgh

I am never not breathtaken when I read this memoir. So raw. So unassuming. So immediate. This is forceful writing that drives straight to the heart. - Renée Eli, Ph.D, transdisciplinary scholar, educator

Kimberly speaks in ways that hide nothing—she writes in single layers, then in deep, deep complexities, and I feel everything because she knows how to show me. - Toni Prehoda Kahler, artist