I don’t have much to type in my comment bc I’ve been sitting here in silence FEELING what you wrote. Please know that is the greatest gift a writer could bestow upon anyone. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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It might take me a few lifetimes to let this sink in...there you go again with your incredible feely-nature. If I were to draw an animated caricature of Jenovia, she'd have at least a couple thousand antennae springing up all over her body. I do know how much I cherish a book that makes me FEEL. I just finished (for the second time) Ozeki's novel A Tale for the Time Being and was afraid I wouldn't speak for days upon finishing. I think you'd feel the same.

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I love that description 😂🥹❤️ Feels very accurate.

Buying that book today! After reading the synopsis coupled with your rec, I am instantly intrigued.

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Kimberly Warner

I felt a little in the deep end here (if you'll excuse the unintended pun), but then I just went and read the About section and information on your memoir. 🤗

Thank you for sharing so freely, Kimberly. As Jenovia says, there's much to feel here when reading your words.

Also, this is simply a superb description: "along the edge, candy-colored chromosomes belie the box’s Pandoric powers."

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Thank you for taking the dive. I’ll meet you there.:)

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Kimberly Warner

Possibly I was as shocked as you were at the “half sibling” result!!! Since dad (now deceased) & I raised you as OUR daughter and since I thought I was already pregnant w you when I went to the Toronto folk festival (and you were born 8, not 9, months later!). And especially since it was the first time I naively ventured into that charged area with someone other than dad who’d already had several infidelities that I knew of. I decided to reveal “my infidelity” as soon as I returned from Toronto partly to reassure dad that it wouldn’t happen again. In those days I saw myself as a “forgiving Christian wife”. Little did I know the Pandora’s box I had inadvertently opened! And YOU were the creative, intelligent, loving creature that emerged from that box...

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I’m sure that in this life, as short and often unbearably beautiful as it is, there are many days when we question the reason for its beginning... and wishing for its end. I think you landed here with three shares of those days Kimberly... I gulp back tears for you. X

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... and I gulp them in return for feeling so met, so seen. x

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Dang. The end of this is just the beginning. Stunning, shocking stuff, Kimberly!

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Oh my. Yes. You just summed up this event perfectly! Little did I know... ;)

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And here we go. Down the rabbit hole.

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Weeeeee! :)

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Kimberly Warner

It’s the little details—like the post-swim potato chips!—that make me feel like I’ve been dropped right in beside you and Eric here. So good.

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Thanks Maddie. Details about potato chips always peak my attention. Glad I'm not the only one. ;)

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Wow! Your writing in this piece is so powerful, by the end I was on the edge of my seat.

There were so many effective and wonderfully worded lines, but I particularly liked the end of this one:

“... candy-colored chromosomes belie the box’s Pandoric powers.” — so good!

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Thank you Michael! Coming from Mr. Wordsmith himself, I feel a bit undeserving.

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You’re far too kind, and totally deserving :)

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Kimberly Warner

Enjoyed the read. Read it twice. Relatable.... almost to the point of thinking I know you. Good writing will do that. I’m hooked.

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Perhaps we do... or will someday. ;) Thank you for your generous feedback. I felt the same way when I read the intro to your HOLLYWOODN'T!

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