Oct 30, 2023Liked by Kimberly Warner

Like you, I also remember the healing balm and incisive truth that swept my being with the fresh breeze of Howard Thurman's quote. I still go back and forth between feeling that surely I could be of better service to the world and tending to what makes me come alive. Yesterday, I saw a video from 2018 of Matisyahu leading 3000 Palestinians and Israelis in singing the chorus of his song Unbroken Hope. Afterward, I was thinking we need more artists, poets and visionaries and less politicians and military strategists.

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I think I found this, wow! Is it this one? https://youtu.be/XqvKDCP5-xE?si=SAWlofS_OjJaN9Xa

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I think so! Dawn linked it below in this chain of comments. ;)

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Kimberly Warner

Yes. That's the one.

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Goosebumps. I need to google that video now and feel the certainty of your revelation. Incisive truth indeed. Thank you for your reflection Dawn.

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Oct 29, 2023Liked by Kimberly Warner

Omg your are amazing! Well done you and you 2 are so cute and ooooz love!

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Haha. Oooooze love. I feel that!

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Oct 29, 2023Liked by Kimberly Warner

I’m happy as your mom that you’ve learned to tame (or better yet, are in the constant “process of taming”) your inner perfectionist through awakening to the “unedited, unrehearsed, unpolished” side of life! Life is messy...and lest we open to that reality, our egoic personal version of life can’t invite and invoke transformational forces to reveal unanticipated vistas. Consciousness

It seems, wants to grow. Why? Perhaps through growing ourselves (and facing our own inner demons), we’ll eventually be mystically drawn to contribute to the Earth itself’s wellbeing... Kudos, dear daughter, for taking the leap! 💜

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I'm grateful, in hindsight, that I have a body who powerfully redirects me away from perfectionism. The love she teaches me has so many dimensions and colors. Loving you momma!

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Oct 29, 2023Liked by Kimberly Warner


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Oh hi Holly! What a treat to see you here!

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Kimberly Warner

I’m here! Not consistently but I’m trying to keep up. Your writing is gorgeous ❤️❤️

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Thank you Holly. Miss our Sahalie shenanigans so very much.

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Wow! What a surprising turn of events. Again! guided into another track by the universe?

"Is it possible that anything can heal?" ~ great question!

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Feb 4Liked by Kimberly Warner

That is one hell of a photograph. I love that you decided to go to the other side of the camera.

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Me too Ben!

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Jan 22Liked by Kimberly Warner

That photograph IS marvelous, Kimberly - I often look at the sea and imagine the horizon is actually quite close, that the "wall" of the sea is a tsunami coming toward us (love a good apocalypse, so this is both thrilling and a little scary ;) which is how that picture looks.

The last episode actually makes me wonder how Western medicine views Eastern under such circumstances - you said it was an "unknown" and ignored - I find that "unknown" factor very unsettling, personally - perhaps not the cause of your symptoms, but perhaps an awfully extreme treatment if it did unlock something...

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I'll meet you at the apocalypse then with champagne flutes. I, too, get a strange thrill at the though. Have you seen Melancholia yet? I'm sure you have. Love the pace of that film, it pulls me into a very dark and comforting place.

Re West vs. Eastern med. It's really no wonder they don't get a long very well. One understands the unknown through metaphor and nature, the other through reductionism and literalism. I currently do have an incredible doctor who bridges both worlds well, tempering the "extreme" with some good, double-blind science.

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Jan 22Liked by Kimberly Warner

Have never seen Melancholia, now I must! It reminds me of this other movie, from the same year incidentally, 2011 - "Another Earth" - with Brit Marling from The OA, which was also a strange but kinda wonderful TV show, unfortunately canceled on a cliffhanger (I hate Netflix.)

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Yes you must. And now I must watch Another Earth!

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This is beautiful and so resonant 🖤💙

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I like the heart colors you chose. ;)

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Chose them to mirror the mood of your photo... 🌊😉

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I thought so!!!!!

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Great eyes see alike? Haha 😉👌

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I adored every detail in this chapter—and, my God, that Depoe Bay photo! 🔥

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I saw the photo of Depoe Bay before I started reading, thinking wow, what an extraordinary shot , I wonder who took the photo and then of course, read that it was you. It is brilliant, extraordinary def worthy of a prize. Really captures that late afternoon melancholy of many an Australian seaside town too. How wonderful that your new career started from that moment. I love XYXX too.

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Now I know that you spent time in Portland, OR (and in a band?! You never cease to delight!) So you know those stormy skies both in the northern and southern hemispheres. I've always found it hard to do any sort of photography (except commercial) in the summer months. Too green, too sugary sweet. Would you mom and MD have agreed?

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Oh,I can totally understand that. Yes, I know the wild Oregon coast well. So brilliantly stormy, and the mountains on the way there so full of tall conifers or logged conifers. In fact one of your photos on XYXX reminded me of my first job out of Eugene which was tree planting the logged terrain and we could only do it when it was raining as then the ground was soft enough to get a hoedad in to make the hole. Which reminds me how much I loved hearing you write about the different types of rain. So true, so beautifully expressed!

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Kimberly Warner

I'll get to this soon. After starting in the middle, I've gone back to the beginning. I'm loving it!

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Here you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqvKDCP5-xE

Matisyahu at Haifa Center with 3000 singers.

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What a life and love! <3

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Wow Kimberley. That photo. I am in love with it. And the quote. And your writing. And and and...

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