Nov 12, 2023Liked by Kimberly Warner

WOW! Your short film, “9”, now makes more sense. It was the beginnings of your psyche grappling with your intuitive sense of what was about to unfold in your personal life. Very mystical, very profound. And just a week later, your bike accident happened which lead you to more healing time to pursue your real paternity story. No wonder you were left with a profound, inescapable dizziness! I’m truly sorry I was the one ushering in such a painful episode in your life... But look what’s it lead to? You are now the initiator & spokeswoman for the gifts for so many with chronic physical conditions Unfixed community! Life is truly a mythical, mystical journey!!!

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Spoiler alert!!! (For anyone reading comments who doesn't know the story yet, hehe—the hazards of sharing this memoir with family who already know the play-by-play. ;)

Love you so much momma. I deeply feel your apology and also your steadfast and heartfelt intention to always lean into growth and a greater, truer relationship with self and the divine. This orientation has no doubt been a strong, catalyzing force for my own becoming that founds the good and the difficult times in love and trust. So for that, I thank you, eternally.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Kimberly Warner

I'm trying desperately not to read this out of order, but I got sucked in, and once I'd read " Today, Kimberly Warner’s lifeline crease branches into a million flowering promises." how could I possibly stop..?

This is so beautifully communicated. I felt my body responding to so much of it. And that trailer, wow...

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Thank you dear one. If hands weren't so blotched, wrinkled and knobby, I think we should all tattoo on them the flowering lifelines we want for our lives. x

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Yes!!! "But the body knows. She always knows. The creative process is mighty mysterious—stories, shapes, and stanzas spring from hidden tunnels in our flesh, beyond reason, beyond understanding."

How your story evolves is incredible, and how you capture it in your writing ~ and now filming ~ is so inspiring ✨

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Feb 5Liked by Kimberly Warner

A lot of synchronicity in your slow discovery of your father and my own journey - finding my birth family through 23andme at the age of 49, and pieces of information my mother knew but waited years in between the tellings... 🩷

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Wait... whaaaat???? I didn't know this Troy! Have you written about it anywhere? I'd love to learn more. And hug you.

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Feb 5·edited Feb 5Liked by Kimberly Warner

I've mentioned it but never told the full story, which is not super-exciting but has a couple eye-popping details... I hug back ;)

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Well, I might have to circle back on those eye-pops when we connect for an interview. xo

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And the segue into your movie, perfect transition! You are such a great film maker!

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When I read about your work in film and comedy I found myself fantasizing about a collaboration someday. ;)

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Oh wouldn't that be good!

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I love the Charlie letters too. And wow the album cover, what a great find, and a surname!

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I'm just going to sit here with the swirl of all this ...smiling.

And grateful.

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Oh wow, I see fragments of me speaking to me in this. You had such a visceral reaction; I've felt that. It's when we get closer to our most vulnerable, our most truest that we feel so strongly, so painfully. While it was an uncomfortable reaction for you, it was needed and cathartic.

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So true. Sometimes it's those most uncomfortable moments that shatter the mind's agenda and open us to new, truer possibilities.

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And now I have caught up with you! I was so tempted to skip ahead when I saw this one drop bc I love the Charlie letters so much. But I delayed gratification. And it was worth the wait. Thanks, Kimberly, for your beautifully told story. 💕

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I’m so moved by your willingness to do the deep dive. And you like the Dear Charlie letters?! That’s something I’ve been unsure about all along, but they feel good to write, so I’m leading with my heart. Thank you for being here with me Holly! ❤️

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I adore the Charlie letters. Finding writers you love is finding minds you love. And a mind that finds the next best way for a relationship that seems out of reach is a beautiful thing.

I'm a birth mom. I'm beyond fortunate to now be deeply connected with the daughter I adopted out as a ten. But for 18 years, I lived with a void. Perhaps this is a part of why the letters feel so resonate.

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Oh what a tender reveal Holly. I can’t fathom what that must feel like... but maybe I can, at least a little, from your daughter’s perspective. How incredible that you two reunited after 18 years. I would drool all over my screen to read more about this if you ever care to share. ❤️

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Yes, I think about that connection between you and her as I read. We've been reconnected for a decade, and we talk about a lot. But she's a tender, kind, emotionally intelligent soul. And she protects me from how hard it was for her to not have access to me or know if she ever would.

I'm working on a braided memoir--the year of her conception, the years between, the reconnection. And I'm in the process of figuring out how and what feels right / just beginning to share from that writing and other writing on the subject publicly. Thank you for the encouragement!

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“But the body knows. She always knows.”


Also, that trailer 😮😍 Wow!

Always on the edge of my seat when I read these glimpses of your story. I love it.

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I was JUST thinking about you last night, wondering about your heart, your head. How they're doing in this strange world. So nice to hear from you. xo

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Ah, thank you darling. I’ve had some heavy feelings and with those heavy feelings, I tend to withdraw. I’m trying really hard to work on it! I’ve missed you and your writing!!! 🥹❤️‍🔥

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I agree with your Mom - in the realm of the mystical, it all makes sense. I would love to see more of your mystical visions on film. Not many people can create deeply with both words and images. You are double blessed. Thank you for sharing your full artist-self.

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Thank you friend, nice to hear from you today. I've been thinking about you and your own mystical musings. Got any Soul Chronicles in the works? I always love hearing where your inner travels are taking you.

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I’ve gone down the rabbit hole of studying esoteric Thoth Tarot, now immersed in Hermetic Kabbalah and Egyptian mythology. Loving it. Hope to learn enough to be able to use the archetypal character cards as my muses. It’s wild ride!

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I’m on the edge of my seat waiting to see where this knowledge takes you! 👀

(Also: my mom’s maiden name was Brauer...makes me wonder if we’re long-lost cousins, a million times removed.)

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Oh how cool! Perhaps not a long shot at all... distant cousins!? Much of my Brauer clan landed and populated the Michigan and Chicago areas. Would be so fun to find out some day we're related. (Both answering some ancestral calling to release a life of fixed plans and instead diving into the great unknown. :) )

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Whether or not it's true, I like your ancestral calling story and I'm sticking to it! 😃

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Wow Kimberly. Reading this and knowing what's going to happen with you gives me the intuitive shivers. I ignored my intuition for so long and tried to push it away--especially when it was really strong in my body. I've learned not to do that anymore and I am slowly embracing my 'knowing'. But, this. Man oh man. This is next level. Your intuition had been nudging you, screaming at you, pushing you, pulling you, guiding you--all along. It's plain as day reading your memoir. And your writing...gorgeous as ever. All five senses. ;)

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