Mar 30·edited Mar 30Liked by Kimberly Warner

Wow! What a journey... "unplugged from the ancestral father line"... curious to read what happens next

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Isn't that fascinating? I'm still stunned that Heiner felt that ancestral deficiency with such accuracy, even though none of it was conscious.

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absolutely fascinating! It just goes to show that we could all know and detect and perceive so much more, if we tuned into those ways of reading our experience and realities

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My goodness, what a life-altering experience you had. I'm grateful you're here with us and wish you never have to go through something so terrifying again. The only upside I see is that it brought you clarity. I've been in those situations where I could have died thanks to medicine and alternative therapies being misprescribed. Always horrifying. Hugs.

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Ah yes, that deceptive little word “alternative” somehow misinterpreted as “harmless.” 😂

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Bahahaha. I also had that misconception. No more! LOL

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What a journey you have been on. We are all so fortunate that you are here to share and that you do share with such honest force.

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Thank you Renée. These more cathartic/traumatic moments of our lives certainly shape and hone our life force. Though humbling and often terrifying, I’m grateful for the chiseling.😉

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Kimberly Warner

I think maybe it did! Finding your own path is huge and it could of been the push you needed,life is fascinating isn't it, I'm a firm believer in things happening for a reason even if those things are EXTREME like in this case, the universe speaks in unusual ways that's for sure xx

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It is fascinating indeed! Mystery abounds. ;)

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Oh boy, east meets west in your own body, how scary! That aconite is powerful stuff, I use it sometimes homeopathically. Hells Bells indeed!

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Oh yeh, homeopathic aconite seems more like my speed.:)

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Hells Bells Kimberley, scary stuff, almost wondered if you'd live to finish writing. Some years ago Paramedics sent me to the other side, but brought me back within seconds. Laid there in my soiled new suit... Misdiagnosed food poisoning as a stroke..... I had disagreed with and told them to stop treating me which they ignored.... Afterwards the hospital LIED saying it was a "One-off Pulmonary Episode" A year off work, then it showed up finally on my med records as....... GASTROENTERITUS !!

Glad we are both still here, sharing. Lol ! Peace, Maurice

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Hells bells. I’ve always loved that expression. And a hells bells to you and your traumatic event as well. Misdiagnosing food poisoning as a stroke??? There is so much wrong with that I can’t even. Our bodies and their care...endless riddles!

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by Kimberly Warner

Sorry you had to go through that but so glad you are here to tell us about it. Edge of the seat writing!

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Haha, yes, the stories we live to tell sometimes take us to the very edge!

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Kimberly Warner

Just read your story out loud to my wife. I hope she sleeps Ok!

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Not a bedtime story John!!!🤣🤣🤣

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That is terrifying. The body’s ability to betray us is ghastly. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Not knowing seems just as frightening if not more so than the actual symptoms.

Thank goodness Dave was there. Thank goodness we still have you with us today. ❤️‍🔥

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❤️❤️❤️You are so dear. And yes, Dave to the rescue! (And still rescuing me with love 18 years later.)

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Ahhhhhh 🥹🥹🥹😭😭😭

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