Dec 10, 2023Liked by Kimberly Warner

Wow…and double WOW! I feel humbled by your expressive writing (must be a gift from your Brauer genes, certainly not Larson/Warner!). I look forward every Sunday to a new expression of how you navigate & integrate this strange, scintillating, real-life episode in your existence! (And I give thanks for current-Dave’s grounding presence in your life!)

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Thank you momma. And I can’t help but like the pun of “current” Dave’s grounding presence. He is my grounding electrical current indeed!

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can I just say it's pretty cool of your mom to comment. My mom refuses to read my writing, worried what I will say in it HA

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It is! And your mom is missing out Rosana!

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Kimberly Warner

"I became a psychic barnacle, orbiting the space of anyone or anything safe and solid."

Beyond the moving, honest and open expression of what you feel through all of this, this piece is full of simply incredible writing, Kimberly, including the quote above which made me smile. I love that term, psychic barnacle.

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Haha, beware the psychic barnacle Nathan. She clings on without you even knowing. Though I take comfort from this cursory Google search that I am no harm to my hosts:

In the case of barnacles and whales, only the barnacles benefit from attaching to the whales, but at no biological cost to the whale. This type of symbiotic relationship is known as commensalism. In this case, attaching to the whales gives the barnacles a stable place to live, a free ride, and access to plenty of food.

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Hehe, I like that.

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Oooh, that last line! Really all of this is such a well-crafted welcome into an inner world. And that final line is a treat.

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I’m glad you felt so Holly...I was a bit unsure about throwing in that blue jean metaphor at the end. 😆 I try on so many metaphors as I write, it’s the only way I can come close to describing my often non-verbal experiences. If only Substack could integrate the sense of touch and smell into our essays.

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This is an incredible chapter! The opening scene, the revelation of the two names, and then the description of going into an emotional spin. Amazing writing!!

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Feeling so grateful for your presence here Veronika. Words can't express....

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Feb 20Liked by Kimberly Warner

Well... I think I mentioned to you before my own 23andme experience, connecting with family I never knew I had, finding a cousin who looks like he could be my brother, and seeing a picture of my father for the first time, also deceased. It's a weird and crazy feeling for sure. 🩷🩷🩷

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I want to know more! Expect an email from me soon. (I also finished O Caledonia last week and like you, am already back into the first chapter. Barker's prose is both haunting and innocent...I absolutely love her voice! I'm not ready to let Janet go!

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OMG! Isn't it fabulous?! I wish she'd written a million books... I'll keep my 👀 peeled!

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I begin to think I repeat myself every time I read you and comment. You hold me breathless in every turn of phrase. I read this piece a couple of times to glide along every delicious nuance.

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Thank you dear Renée. "Delicious nuance" is such a wonderful combination of words. I want to knit them into a blanket today and take shelter in their warm embrace.

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I know I am in the presence of a writer when the comments are as inviting as the piece of writing!

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I am churning with compassion and holding on to my heart for you with each and every moment of your worded life Kimberly. And, I would love love love to be a ‘psychic barnacle’ in your presence just so I could listen, register all your fabulously free and yet so damn all encompassing metaphors, keep them turning in my mind in the very vaguest hope that I just-might-be-capable-ever of writing something that would touch another in such a way as you...

Damn ! Sorry, but you totally floor me every time. X

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Susie!!!! How on earth do I respond to this?! Perhaps with more metaphors. Your presence, sunrise after the apocalypse. An echo, finally returning. The hand of a new friend you’ve known forever. ❤️

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With my sleep blurred head (it’s just gone 6am) my words aren’t forming any coherent sentences yet so I will just say this, quite simply, thank you, for writing your story here which is by far my absolute favorite Substack that I don’t want to end... with love xxx

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“Denial, alongside magical-thinking—my sweet, anesthetizing friends.” — I love this line! So well put and uncomfortably relatable.

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Ahhh, I see. So we are both passport-carrying citizens of Planet Glitter then?

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Hahaha yes, it seems so :)

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"But my insides don’t agree and logic can’t talk them out of it." - What a strange place to be within yourself, a spiral of sorts! That freezing feeling, I know what you mean. Wow - what a mind-blowing experience.

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