Jan 30Liked by Kimberly Warner

Oh! That was surreal and beautiful, Kimberly - I found the full length film on YouTube! Sharing the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05oYUE105ZY

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Oh hey! I didn't know it was on youtube?!!!! Yay!

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"She awakens from the dream with a peculiar freedom—no one is coming to save her. / She must rescue herself." - As saddening as it may seem, it is also freeing. Simply beautiful, Kimberly!

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Absolutely freeing... and like most of my creations, makes so much more sense to me now, living unfixed (unsaved) than it did then. ❤️

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I'm glad you feel free. <3

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A foreboding?

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In many ways, all my films have been a strange foreboding. Especially the one in the following chapter titled, The Body Knows. Almost freakish how much my body was pointing me toward the truth through metaphor and story.

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Wow, this is brilliant, you are brilliant Kimberly! This is the best thing on Substack hands down. A total multimedia experience. The dummy stills are scary, terrifying, the prayer so powerful, the soundtrack perfect, your short film is beautiful, also kind of ironic, yes, there’s a surreal dark comedy irony to the whole presentation. Love it!

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I'm glad you picked up on the dark comedy angle. I'm a fan of the absurd as much as the profound. And when they can both share a space, even better! I can't accept the "best thing on Substack" comment, that's just a whole lot of absurd, but I'm delighted that CPR fell into your senses and moved you!

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Wow. Wow.

The film trailer after reading--I am breathless, just a gulp shy of tears, for reasons so multilayered words would forever fail. The writing--exquisitely nuanced, layered and layered upon the rhythm of breath absent and present, present and absent. Your verbs!!


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I never knew two words and a few exclamations could mean so much. Boy do I wish my lovely third grade teacher Mrs. Hophensberger could hear your enthusiasm for my verbs.🤣 Her weekly Little House on the Prairie reading circles sparked a love of language and all it can convey, so thank you for letting my sparse use of it land in you. You have a gift of assimilation Renée, has anyone ever told you that? ❤️

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I imagine Mrs. Hophensberger is sharing in enthusiasm whether on this earthly plane or another! I love reading what sparked your love of language. ❤️

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P.S. There's a jar of calendula hugs waiting for you when you return home. ;)

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Ohhhhhh! I can’t wait! I may speed up my return for this jar of hugs! 🥰 thank you 🙏

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Wow, this is incredible, Kimberly! Thank you so much for sharing this gorgeous film. It felt to me like watching the blossoming of empathy and the implications of that. You really have an amazing gift. To be able to bring a mystical experience into life like this to share with others is so very powerful.

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Wow, Jenna. What a perfectly resonant and insightful reflection. For me, the meaning of this film evolves with time and though I'd love to assign "blossoming empathy" as my driving impulse to make it 12 years ago, I've only come to that understanding in the last year or so, upon watching it with fresh, "unfixed" eyes. But I never underestimate the language of the subconscious and how she may be the one in the driver's seat, especially during acts of creativity. I'm sure you can relate—your work with Tarot and ability to decipher meaning from the symbolic world is masterful.

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Right back at you Alisa.❤️

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