Nov 6, 2023Liked by Kimberly Warner

I had a similar experience moving to a new town in 9th grade, kids assuming that we had money (which we did not) but then the next year going to a private school on a scholarship and actually being surrounded by kids from wealthy families - it was discombobulating. You must REALLY have wanted boobs to ask your dad to hypnotize you! I get it, it's only funny with the help of time (but it is a little bit funny.) "Sure." Jesus. 😂

FYI I'm trying to read these in order, so I'm not reading your posts as I receive them but using it as a prompt to go back to where I left off and read a chapter or two. ;)

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Anyone that comments on this chapter gets an embarrassed cringe from my pre-adolescent self and a hearty high-five from current me. Yes, funny with the help of time and funny because BOOBS is such a hilarious word. (Especially the way it sounds in my head with all caps.)

Man, I appreciate you taking the time to go back to the beginning and reading in order. You're getting the full meal deal!

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Oh Kimberly, I was going to comment once I’d finished reading all your letters but here at ‘Boobs’ I have to stop...

This made me smile, a sad smile really... I felt for you in the waiting for them to grow, the hypnosis and the no bra when everyone else had one... I was that girl too!

I hated sports because of it, I forged letters from my mother begging leave of gym and dance classes and got into terrible trouble due spelling errors. I cried off every event that meant even the vaguest possibility that I might have to show my body, it was a most traumatic time indeed.. I am now nearly 60 (on paper - I’m sure there’s a mistake somewhere!) and I’m still waiting for mine to grow!

Strangely though, my daughter has been blessed with voluptuous boobs and she hates them too... she always says she wished she could have been like me...

Enjoy your day, I shall continue reading...💞

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Always good to pause at "Boobs." :) I'm smiling and aching right there with you Susie! May peri and post menopause grant us both the curves we've always longed for!

Thank you for the chuckle and the sweet connection through time and ether.

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Feb 10Liked by Kimberly Warner

LOL this entire chapter. 😂

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I love how you were able to weave humor into the story of something that (I'm sure) at the time felt mortifying. 👏

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Hindsight is 20/20... and often funny. ;)

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Kimberly Warner

I am totally enjoying the chapters and your insights! It brings back memories of family in general and your family! The story about the “Boobs” is hilarious, even though traumatic for a young girl!

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Glad you got a good laugh about BOOBS. A funny chapter in my life indeed... in hindsight. :) And thank you for your feedback, I'm so happy you're enjoying the read. Please feel free to share with Rima or anyone else in the family who might want a trip down the Warner memory-lane. Hugs to you Kitty.

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Jun 25, 2023Liked by Kimberly Warner

Gee, I can relate to most everything... except the boobs, of course. Even down to the Fun Dip Candy Sticks. Wow that brings back a memory, my favorite was the sour dip.

Love to read your stories and your writing style.

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Happy to hear you can’t relate to the boobs bit.🤣

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There is so much wisdom in this chapter! I love especially this one:

“When I can be with my longing, I belong. Maybe not to every social strata within the universe, but I belong to my body, my truth, myself.”

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Mine didn't grow until I went to college, way too early: a freshman, having just turned 16. That's me. Now you: This chapter, a zinger in so many ways.

I'm binging.

So glad you are, too.

Have I said it before? This is called "connecting" ...

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deletedAug 13, 2023Liked by Kimberly Warner
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