
Schultz Lake!!! I also have fond memories in those waters - I remember it feeling so CLEAN compared to Winnebago. I also remember picking leaches off our legs too but never dissuaded us from endless play. So glad you have fond memories in water too and understand how deeply it shapes us. x

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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Kimberly Warner

Oh ugh the leeches. Lol. I’ve had a huge fear of them since I got my first one as a toddler. Refused to wade ever since—suspended toes only!

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Chapter 6. Some more favorite images:

In your Letter to Charlie, “but my dreams are restless.” I love how you prepare us for your mystical dream set in darkness and solitude by intimating the mood set in The Sound of Silence.

Also, “My nightgown was as bright as daylight—a celestial body in a puddle of black.” I love how you hint at a bodily awareness of the sky as reflected in yourself while your gaze is held by the depths.

And, “Born a circle, we live ourselves into lines and then relinquish them back into a circle.” I love your embellishment to the circle of life- ‘We live ourselves into lines’ also speaks to the challenging rigidities we’ll inevitably face.

And I love how you’ve personified Lake Michigan - “I sneak little sips of her impossibly clear body, pretending I’m drinking some exotic elixir of immortality.” Your deep relationship with water is one of my favorite aspects of your memoir.

Finally, a question about the photo of you on the rock - Is that the shadow of your mother as photographer of you? If so, how incredible!

As always, your words are a joy to read.

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Your reflections are so appreciated friend! I think we must share similar synapses because the images you shared are some that stick with me as well. Sometimes when the words march out of my fingers onto the keyboard, they just FEEL right. Insightful of you that you're already picking up on the of water theme. This continues to be a powerful place of grief, connection and mystery as the memoir continues. And lastly, the shadow is my mom... but do you know what? I NEVER noticed it until you pointed it out! But yes, those are my mom's fabulous curves in 2D. :)

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Fabulous indeed. I could tell by the total relaxation in your body that the photographer was someone you knew and trusted. Plus, I knew your Mom is really pretty and yes, those are quite some curves! Anyway, I think that makes the photo EXTRA special.

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Apr 19Liked by Kimberly Warner

I wonder if you're aware of how moving the pictures are.

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Feb 10Liked by Kimberly Warner

OMG I got goosebumps seeing the photo of you and your mom’s shadow at the end.

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Ooh, I love the first paras about the light and the bones. So perfectly placed...

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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Kimberly Warner

Kimi, you experience life as poetry. I understand feeling your soul at one with the water and its home—Schultz Lake has the same deep connection for me. It’s home. Also nourishment, play, comfort, healing, relaxation, joy. And all the things I can’t express, but which your poetry does. ❤️

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