Jun 24Liked by Kimberly Warner

Good grief what an incredibly humbling story… Brian I hope you read this, you are an inspiration, a bright star of light that should be guiding us all! And your photography is stunning! I wish I could learn your processes… I wish I could see what you see! Thank you so much for sharing this interview Kimberly… what an amazing human being Brian is! X

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You and Brian would have a hoot together with your cameras and blurry beauty. Both of you have such a uniquely stunning way of seeing this world.

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Jun 25Liked by Kimberly Warner

I had a peep at his blog, his photography is out of this world beautiful. So that’s one whopping compliment… 🙏🏽xxxx

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Jun 26Liked by Kimberly Warner

Impossible to say it any better than this!


Your photos are incredible, Brian. I've just spent some time clicking through them on your website.

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So much gratitude for you Nathan. x

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Thank you Kimberly and Brian.

Sometimes there are no words. This is one of this times. That we might all be so human as you, Brian. . .

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Jun 26Liked by Kimberly Warner

I was already quite emotional after watching the video, and this makes me more so.

That we might all be so human. Well said. 🤗

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Thank you for sharing, Nathan. 🤗

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I absolutely love that he chooses to take photos without a counterweight so to show the world he’s way of seeing — that is so incredible!

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Pretty cool, huh. ;)

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Kimberly Warner

Thank you Kimberly . A beautiful introduction for a man that has learned to define himself through art and his enduring strength of character.

“Life can turn on a dime.”

A topic all too familiar for you personally and to the incredible individuals you have helped to give voice to. Uniquely presenting their narrative so they are able to tell a very personal story. You know through my many comments that I feel the difference between good health and disability can be only a moment. And so many people who are lucky enough to have never experienced anything less than good health, do not seem to grasp that concept. In turn,they show compassion ; an expression of sadness, or offer a few words, poor thing. I guess I just feel that if they can see themselves in others, there would be a different level of understanding .

And Brian, you have shown us how to face yourself, because no one can do it for you. “Every day everything you do is therapy.” And you have helped define your life for us ;

“…living inside a Picasso painting.”

Thank you Brian, for teaching us sheer determination . We see you. I see you.

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Lor, I wish Substack had a special honor badge for readers. You would adorned in them. Your attentiveness to everyone you follow here is like nothing else, a testament no doubt to the extraordinary human behind the words. Thank you dear one.

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Jun 23Liked by Kimberly Warner

He’d make a mean margarita! Keep fighting and sharing your story, Brian!

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Haha, one of my all-time favorite lines of his!

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What an inspiration. I love his motivation. Nothing can stop this talented guy.

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He is a force, that’s for sure. He even scorned my film company name “unfixed”… ;) He would say, “No way, I’m going to keep on getting better and better” refusing the acceptance end of the spectrum, which for some people is exactly what they need to stay hopeful in a tough situation.

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I’m kinda the same way. I don’t want anyone to highlight my diseases and issues. That said, the title can be viewed as Unfixed— temporarily. 😊

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What a hilarious, resilient, and talented human. It's been a pleasure to get to know Brian a bit. Thank you Kimberly for capturing his essence so genuinely.

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Thank you for taking a moment to let his story into your heart. xo

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Thank you Kimberly and Brian. A truly inspiring fellow human!

The raw authenticity in this photography, and also the blog posts, touches the heart.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Kimberly Warner

Astonishing work--by you both! The beginning alone inspires as he paints! Your work and his stugglle: Wow. Kimberly the work you are doing exudes your warmth, generosity and good heart! I so admire you. Actually, I adore you.

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Don’t you wish we could just ping each other and go grab some lunch? I adore you too, and I’m excited for my two week holiday beginning July 1 where I have both your books AND Eleanor’s downloaded and ready for the hammock!

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I have big grateful-for-my-life-tears. How can any one of us not have some level of purpose to fulfill? Brian is amazing. His "new vision" is beautiful. I found myself saying oooo and ahhh. Framers. Art truly is therapy and that therapy inadvertently blesses others.

Love how his dad kept a watercolor book to help himself through the trauma his son was facing. Painting his son in a new form. So much love there. Kimberly, your documentary work is so impactful. Thank you for this. I have my husband watch these with me. Life surely does change on a dime. Much love to you and Brian. ox

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Deborah, I cannot thank you enough for being such an attentive reader/viewer. You always arrive here with such an open heart, bared for all to see, and oh so vulnerable in how that openness is experienced. And also, my goodness, thank you for becoming a paid subscriber. What a generous gesture of support, please know that all funds donated through this platform and unfixed go directly toward making more content like this. x

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Kimberly, you are one of a handful of absolute favorites here. It’s no coincidence you came into my view. I need a creative community in my life to hold me accountable, keep me humble and one I can love and support back. Thank you again for choosing to continue a creative purpose, despite the challenges. You are blessing many. ox

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Jun 25Liked by Kimberly Warner

Thank you my friend! Mutual respect and the love of words.

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Jun 23Liked by Kimberly Warner

Winston Churchill once wrote, "Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never - in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in." I'm guessing he penned those words after having met Brian Nice. Once again, Kimberly, you've found the INCREDIBLE while offering all the rest of us a glimpse of the "stuff" that makes a special human being great! Thanks for turning your spotlight on yet another person who can - and does, inspire us all!

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Haha, yes Brian is Churchill’s advisor. ;)

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Wow, how beautiful. And so inspiring. Thank you for sharing this beautiful interview, Kimberly.

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Not only are stories like these utterly inspiring, but they also make me appreciate every little thing I might take for granted every day. They reveal the realm of infinite possibilities spread open for me to see, as well as the awareness that I am blessed.

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Oh my goodness, what a funny guy - love how he has forged forward with his art in the face of the challenges.

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